When sodium benzoate (the chemical preservative in COKE, SPRITE OR FANTA) combines with vitamin C, it can form benzene. [Don't see Vitamin C as just a tablet. There is vitamin C in oranges and many other fruits and vegetables we eat in Nigeria]. Benzene is a natural constituent of crude oil, gasoline, and tobacco smoke, and has been classified as a class “A” human carcinogen. Does that sound like something you want in your soft drink? Probably not. Benzene damages DNA in cells and accelerates aging. And, as the American Petroleum Institute stated, “It is generally considered that the only absolutely safe concentration for benzene is zero.” Coca-Cola actually removed that chemical from their Diet Coke product in some countries. If it was safe, why did they remove it in the first place? Don't listen to the Nigerian Government. Avoid Coke, Fanta, and Sprite. Except you want cancer or want to age quickly. By the way, I just saw a report today with this caption: "Nigeria records 100,000 cancer cases yearly."


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