
Showing posts from March, 2017

What are we doing about opoid

If you’ve just come out of surgery or are suffering from chronic pain, you probably appreciate medicine that numbs it, like opioids. Unfortunately, research shows that even medical use of opioids comes with a cost. Each year, millions of Americans become dependent on these addictive drugs, and the number of opioid deaths has quadrupled since the early 2000s. In fact, a new report by the CDC shows just how short the timespan is for a patient’s addiction. If a doctor prescribes an opioid medication for longer than five days, the patient has a much greater chance of becoming dependent on it. If patients get their hands on a second dose, one out of seven will form an addiction. In the event that patients must take a long-acting opioid, about 25% will still be using the drug one year later. Unfortunately, many will also still need the painkiller after three years. Interestingly enough, the sales of opioids have risen at the same rate that people are dying from prescription drug overdose


• Thinking of how to get to that pharmacy and stand on that endless queue. ? • Need someone to that will come check your blood pressure in your house ? • Need general healthcare services brought to your home . at the cheapest rate. P.G HEALTH got  you covered . P . G health care is launching PG home care for elderly patients . To register text YES +2348134415714

How to stay totally free from STD & other veneral diseases

How to stay totally free from STD & other veneral diseases According to the book of pathology that studies diseases written by Williams Boyd in 1932, after 18 years of research it was concluded in 1970 that staphylococcus is a deadly and dangerous disease. 21 children were injected with toxic generic strain of staph mistakenly and 12 died after few hours. The result showed that staph affects the deeper organs like eyes, bones, lungs, kidney and the reproductive organs. It has a long life spam in the system which can multiply from millions to billions in less than an hour and this problem presists after undergoing a lot of treatment and spending huge money in different health centers. The book explains that staph cannot be destroyed by antibiotic no matter the degree, as it can only suppress it and may re-occur. Sexually transmitted Infections attacks the reproductive system, leading to infertility in humans. STI is a form of infections that can be contracted through indiscri


In Nigeria , cold season generally occurs from late August through early April, but individuals can get a cold at any time of year. The common cold is a highly contagious acute viral infection of the upper respiratory system and is one of the most common reasons for absence from both work and school. Influenza, commonly referred to as the seasonal flu, is a very contagious respiratory infection caused by the influenza viruses. Influenza affects the nose, throat, and lungs and can sometimes lead to serious health complications and even death. In the United States, flu season usually occurs between October and May, peaking between late December and March. The elderly, children, pregnant women, and those with certain medical conditions are at high risk for developing flu complications. Signs and Symptoms Colds tend to have a gradual onset with symptoms developing over a few days, usually beginning with a sore or irritated throat and low-grade fever (rarely exceeding 100ºF). Conversel

5Reasons why you should avoid Canned food; All because they are harmful

In this section of  Seattle Organic Restaurants  I'm going to talk about hams of canned food. No logical, reasonable person would suggest that canned foods and canned fruits and vegetables are as good or better than  fresh foods ,  vegetables , and fruits . It is obvious that fresh is good and retains most of its  nutrients . This much, almost no one argues with. But the big question is how bad canned products are, really? Well the answer might surprise you or not. 1. Bisphenol or BPA The most worrisome of all, among canned foods that can harm you, is plastic contaminants in our canned goods. Most canned food these days have a plastic coating inside the can to supposedly keep the food, vegetables, and fruits – fresh. Well, it may keep them more fresh that otherwise without it being stored up inside a metal object, but this comes at the expense of harming you. The inner plastic lining is poisonous at small measures, although FDA tells us that the small amounts should not worry us

Headphones: When hearing danger is closer than you think

Headphones: When hearing danger is closer than you think Contributed by  Lisa Packer , staff writer, Healthy Hearing August 13, 2015 It seems like everywhere you look, from the gym to the subway to the street, people are wearing headphones or earbuds connecting them to their own portable listening devices. Have we become a society of "musicophiles?" Not really. More so than ever before, people are using their headphones to listen to music as a means of blocking out the outside world, and that is coming at an unfortunate price. According to the World Health Organization, 50 percent of young adults are exposed to potentially unsafe music levels from their portable devices. And the latest statistics on noise-induced hearing loss  (NIHL) are astounding; according to the CDC, in the U.S. alone 5.2 million people between the ages of 6 and 19 and 26 million adults between the ages of 20 and 69 have NIHL. It is a growing problem; studies suggest the rate of children with hearin


When sodium benzoate (the chemical preservative in COKE, SPRITE OR FANTA) combines with vitamin C, it can form benzene. [Don't see Vitamin C as just a tablet. There is vitamin C in oranges and many other fruits and vegetables we eat in Nigeria]. Benzene is a natural constituent of crude oil, gasoline, and tobacco smoke, and has been classified as a class “A” human carcinogen. Does that sound like something you want in your soft drink? Probably not. Benzene damages DNA in cells and accelerates aging. And, as the American Petroleum Institute stated, “It is generally considered that the only absolutely safe concentration for benzene is zero.” Coca-Cola actually removed that chemical from their Diet Coke product in some countries. If it was safe, why did they remove it in the first place? Don't listen to the Nigerian Government. Avoid Coke, Fanta, and Sprite. Except you want cancer or want to age quickly. By the way, I just saw a report today with this caption: "Nigeria record


 Stress Management • What happens when you are stressed? Stress is what you feel when you have to handle more than you are used to. When you are stressed, your body responds as though you are in danger. It makes hormones that speed up your heart, make you breathe faster, and give you a burst of energy. This is called the fight-or-flight stress response. Some stress is normal and even useful. Stress can help if you need to work hard or react quickly. For example, it can help you win a race or finish an important job on time. But if stress happens too often or lasts too long, it can have bad effects. It can be linked to headaches, an upset stomach, back pain , and trouble sleeping . It can weaken your immune system, making it harder to fight off disease. If you already have a health problem, stress may make it worse. It can make you moody, tense, or depressed. Your relationships may suffer, and you may not do well at work or school. •What can you do about stress? The good news


• What is ibuprofen? Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It works by reducing hormones that cause inflammation and pain in the body. Ibuprofen is used to reduce fever and treat pain or inflammation caused by many conditions such as headache, toothache, back pain, arthritis , menstrual cramps , or minor injury. Ibuprofen is used in adults and children who are at least 6 months old. Side effects More common : • Abdominal pain acid or sour stomach • benching • bloating • Cloudy urine • Decrease in amount of urine • Decrease in urine output or decrease in urine-concentrating ability • Diarrhea • Difficulty having a bowel movement (stool) • excess air or gas in stomach • heartburn • indigestion For more details on ibuprofen visit