
Showing posts from August, 2017

This Is When She's Most Likely to Cheat In Your Relationship - INFORMATION NIGERIA

This Is When She's Most Likely to Cheat In Your Relationship - INFORMATION NIGERIA Aug 13 2017 1:16 PM There might be some truth to the seven-year itch: Women who have been married for a moderate amount of time are more likely to be tempted to cheat than those who have been hitched for a shorter or longer period, a new study in the Journal of s*x Research found. After surveying 423 people, the researchers discovered that women who were married between six to 10 years were most likely to consider engaging in an extramarital affair. The picture was pretty different for dudes: As the time they were married increased, so did the likelihood that they would entertain the option to stray. In fact, men who had been married 11 or more years reported the greatest willingness to allow an intimate encounter to develop with someone other than their spouse. So what did men and women consider as cheating anyway? The least likely behavior the participants counted as cheating